Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Unemployment, Bread lines, Hoovervilles, and Foreclosures

March 1931

I just lost job!
I went to go look for work, but no one is hiring. I don’t know if I should give up. I know have to stay strong, I cannot give; especially in a situation like this.

As I read in the newspaper that unemployment has rise to a record of 25% I began to think a lot.

Also, another 25% could only find a part time job.

In what percentage will I stand?

As the days passed by food was a problem for me. I was running out.
My income was and I couldn’t really afford the food I needed to provide my family.
Standing in a line that stretched for blocks took most of my day just receiving food that wouldn’t last me a long time.

I don’t want to say I was unfortunate but I wasn’t lucky either.
I was very thankful because I didn’t have leave with family in the Hoovervilles.
Homeless people stayed there and as I was walking I was asking myself so many questions. Why now? What will happen next? Can this get any worse?

Foreclosures were very popular and still are.
Foreclosures were the cause of why people were living in the Hoovervilles
Many people had to sell everything they had to try to keep their homes, but many weren’t successful

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